The film follows Lorne Michaels (Gabriel LaBelle) and crew 90 minutes before the first airing of Saturday Night Live on October 11, 1975. It follows all the madness, mayhem, and shenanigans that went on and almost prevented it from airing in favor of a rerun of the Johnny Carson show to take its place. How much is fact and how much is fiction, I'm not sure? Some of the original actors I'm not familiar with, while others were absolutely nailed in their portrays of Chevy Chase (Cory Michael Smith), Dan Aykroyd (Dylan O'Brien), Michael O'Donoghue (Tommy Dewey), and George Carlin (Matthew Rhys). A funny enough film that briefly gives the audience a small sample of everything that goes into putting this show together, from mutiny amongst the cast, to issues with the crew and network. 6.5/10