The final installment of the VENOM franchise, Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) and Venom are on the run and being hunted. Eddie for the alleged killing of Detective Patrick Mulligan (Stephen Graham) and Venom by Knull, the creator of the symbiotes. The story finds them in Mexico, the Grand Canyon, and Las Vegas before their ultimate destination of New York City. I wasn't at all excited for this and for good reason: the franchise has been average and this is no exception. There's action scenes but the story between those sequences is at times painfully dull and slow. There's a little humor mixed with a few inaudible lines spat out by Venom. The franchise should and could have been better, especially with a star such as Tom Hardy attached. The original was my favorite of the series and let's see how long it takes for Sony to once again (disappointingly) attempt to cash in on this character. 5.5/10