Originally Posted by CabriniGreen
Originally Posted by Lenox
The most important crteria is to posess an uncanny ability of committing crimes and not getting caught. The second most important crieteria is to have a natural talent of convincing a jury that you are an innocent man.
The famous wire tap of John Gotti illustrates the second criteria rather eloquently.
John- “Sammy, I think im a fraud”.
Sammy- “ why?”
John- “ everyone thinks i have a natural talent of convincing a jury that Im innocent when in actuality I had jurors bribed”.

The son of sam said if he had both those attributes be would still ne shooting people.

I actually disagree. What makes a Mafia a mafia is conditioning the members of the organization, to submit to a code of conduct in the intent of furthering the interest of the organization, and conditioning the inhabitants of a particular territory to submit to an authority in opposition to the legally appointed one.

It's actually not about any particular crime.....

How you gonna force the inhabitants to submit to your authority, which is opposite of the LEGAL one? Obviously through corruption and violence which falls under crime.

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.