Guns and cocaine: this is how the 'ndrangheta supplied white powder to the cities of Northern Italy, and Florence was the hub. Seven precautionary measures

An attempted murder was foiled. The operation coordinated by the DDA of Florence reconstructed the routes and roles of the organization that supplied white powder to the cities of Northern Italy

Florence, Rome, Turin, invaded by the 'ndrangheta's cocaine. The Carabinieri of the provincial command of Florence , at the request of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, have executed seven precautionary measures against as many suspects accused of criminal association aimed at drug trafficking.

The leaders of the organization that drained kilos of cocaine from Calabria to Florence destined for the most important drug dealing centers in northern Italy have ended up in handcuffs , including a killer charged with committing a murder , which was foiled during the operation.

Among the suspects, 25 in total, there are the drug supplier, originally from Reggio Calabria, the broker, originally from the province of Vibo Valentina, responsible for receiving purchase proposals and reporting them to the supplier. Finally, the couriers who had the task of traveling with the drugs hidden in the false bottoms of the cars.

During the operation, an attempted murder of a man originally from Stefanaconi, a municipality in the province of Vibo Valentia , was prevented by seizing the gun he was supposed to use to commit the crime, which was linked to a disagreement over drug trafficking.

Six drug couriers were also arrested and approximately 7.6 kilos of cocaine , 650 grams of marijuana, 20 thousand euros in cash and valuable watches were seized.