What Would You Have Israel Do to Defend Itself?
The New York Times Opinion by David Brooks March 24, 2024

Old article but most still ring true, in this terror war.... including regarding Hezbollah

  • postwar political process

As the veteran Middle East observers Robert Satloff and Dennis Ross wrote in American Purpose
“Any talk of a postwar political process is meaningless without Israel battlefield success:

There can be no serious discussion of a two-state solution or any other political objective with Hamas either still governing Gaza or commanding a coherent military force”

Finally, like pretty much every expert I, [Brooks] consulted, I’m also left with the conclusion that Israel has to completely rethink and change the humanitarian and political side of this operation

Israel needs to supplement its military strategy with an equally powerful Palestinian welfare strategy

  • Israel’s core problems
Israel’s core problems today are not mostly the fault of the IDF or its self-defense strategy

Israel’s core problems flow from the growing callousness with which many of its people have viewed the Palestinians over the past decades, magnified exponentially by the trauma it has just suffered

Today, an emotionally shattered Israeli people see through the prism of October 7, 2023
They feel existentially insecure, facing enemies on seven fronts — Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Iran

As Ross has noted, many often don’t see a distinction between Hamas and the Palestinians
Over 80 percent of West Bank Palestinians told pollsters they supported the October 7