Dutch Foreign Affairs reports leak of documents to media
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is going to report the leaking of confidential documents. Yesterday, RTL Nieuws quoted from secret documents about the situation in the Gaza Strip. Dutch diplomats are said to describe the situation in Gaza as "unprecedented in terms of human suffering".

Minister Veldkamp called the documents "strictly confidential" this morning. "I take this extremely seriously. This undermines the effectiveness of Dutch diplomacy."

He also thinks it is a very selective leak, "resulting in very biased reporting". According to him, it means he can do less "to help alleviate the suffering in the Gaza Strip or help achieve a ceasefire".

The minister reacted furiously yesterday in a parliamentary debate to the leaking of the documents. He was also angry that his travel plans to Israel and the Palestinian territories had been leaked.

"I cannot function like this as Foreign Minister," he said

"The king is dead, long live the king!"