Mr Ocampo said this also posed an issue for the United States as it must choose what it does.
"Legally, it's not controversial. Legally, it's clear. Politically, it's controversial," he said.

"But political actors are not a court. We are blessed that we have an international criminal court up and running, prosecuting Netanyahu, prosecuting whoever, friend or enemy, allegedly committing war crimes.

"So the problem is states have to adjust — because President Biden was always saying consistently, Israel should respect the international law. "Well, right now, the judges say it's clear, it's clear violation of international law, so now the US is tested.

"Is the US respecting international law when a friend is committing the crimes? That is a test."

Trump could have interesting policy here, because he's pragmatic," "He can use the ICC to transform the political situation

"I think it's a very interesting moment, to see how political actors like the US adjust and respect international law, when a friend, that is Israel, is now confronted with it."

How about Russia-Mongolia and United Nations
The double standards and hypocrisy of the UN and all these holier-than-thou righteous countries signaling they will abide by Israel's ICC arrest warrant when no one made such statements regarding Russia warrant

1. Mongolia an ICC member didn't arrest Putin when he visited
2. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres travelled to Russia for the BRICS meeting with ICC war criminal Putin