UNIFIL failure 18 years on...

From: Al Jazeera November 27, 2024
How and why UNIFIL failed to ‘keep peace’ in Lebanon And will continue to fail unless its mandate and aims change.

If UNIFIL has been unable to fulfil its objectives, why has it stayed in the south?

As yet another Israeli war on Lebanon has taken a painful toll UNIFIL has clearly failed in its mission to “keep peace”.

Although UNIFIL was supposed to protect the civilian population and was given the right to use weapons to defend itself, it was not empowered to use force to fulfil its mandate.

After the 2006 war UNIFIL force was increased from 2,000 to 15,000 soldiers and its mandate was expanded to include disarming all non-state entities in Lebanon -- Yeah, Right!

It is clear that UNIFIL has failed to implement the aspect of its mandate, throughout its existence,
1. its troops have not returned any fire directly at Israel in any of its aggressions against Lebanon
2. and at Hezbollah in any of its aggressions against Israel
3. Hezbollah continues to have access to weapons -- and rains terror on Israel