Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
Some of the major players from France are missing, but you got to remember that Paris and Marseille both had wars going on from mid 1960s til 1969 when an uneasy truth was in place in Paris, and the Guerini brothers in Marseille were on trial and went to prison.
Gilbert Zemour, Jean Venturi, and Pierre Colonna all had interest in Quebec, Zemour and Venturi both wanted a piece of a casino in Quebec when gambling became legalized.
Colonna already had a couple successful Cercles in greater Bordeaux, and another one on St. Martin. Colonna represent members from that area, not a boss but his specialty was gambling establishments and he was good at it, to open a casino, they already had a couple guys ready to help run. He had protection on both sides of the law. He wanted to talk with Tany Zampa, but Zampa was not there, for Meme and Pascal Guerini when they got out, instead he talked with Jean Tocci and a deal was worked out. No idea if he was related to them, but Memeworked for Colonna uncles in Bordeaux before him and his brother moved to Marseille and setup shop.
Edgar Zemour was definitely killed on Paul Mondolini orders, unsure who the actual killer was. This was retaliation for Marcel Francisci being killed at the start of 1982. It is not proven that Zemour was behind it, but Edgar threatened Francisci a few times in 1981, last allegedly waving a pistol before going back to Miami. The last brother Theodore, semi active up until William was killed, then got out entirely, never a tough guy, and the others in Paris did not worry about him to retaliate, natural death.

Good stuff Monsieur Paul Mondoloni was killed in 1985 I believe CIA ties most of the Acapulco guys lol..

Last edited by Hollander; 12/04/24 08:40 PM.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"