From: Haaretz December 5, 2024 Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara
A Toxic, Authoritarian Manosphere Rules Israel. But This Woman Is Defying Them
We can only hope that Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara continues to resist pressure and remains steadfast in her efforts to clean up the country's hopelessly sullied leadership.
Since the government entered office two years ago, it has repeatedly been at odds with Baharav-Miara, especially in relation to its controversial judicial overhaul, elements of which she sought to stop because they allegedly undermined democracy.
Netanyahu government's campaign to drive Baharav-Miara from office has consistently been tinged with sexism.
The opposition struck down a largely symbolic vote proposed by a coalition MK on Wednesday that was intended to increase pressure on the government to fire the attorney-general.