Based on true events and taking place between Idaho and Washington in 1983-84, FBI agent Terry Husk (Jude Law) begins to see a pattern of a string of crimes he believes are linked and the work of a white nationalist group called The Order, lead by Bob Mathews (Nicholas Hoult). From there, Husk focuses his investigation on this group and attempts to stop their future attempts, which he believes include 6 steps from a book entitled THE TURNER DIARIES. The story alone intrigued me enough to check it out. Add in both Law & Hoult, how could you go wrong? I'll tell you. Other than an opening scene bank robbery, the film slithers along at a sluggish pace. The script, and director Justin Kurzel, do a poor job maintaining the cat-and-mouse game between Husk and Mathews. In addition, Hoult plays Mathews as a puppy dog. He, and the entire film, are watered down and he's not believable as this character but rather sticks out as a sore thumb. Which somewhat pains me to say as I am a fan of his work and he's shown he's got acting chops in the past, but just not here. Jude Law is the only one here who has any passion and fire for his character and brings the energy. May be worth a single view but go in with managed expectations. 6.5/10