Taking place on New Year's Eve 1999, this comedy/horror film shows what happens when the Y2K bug actually affected the world and the ramifications of it. The story starts out as a comedy, establishing the small group of high schoolers who'll soon be fighting for their lives for the rest of the night; however, the jokes are flat, dated, and cringe worthy. Yes, I understand they're poking fun at the time period but how could they miss the mark that badly? In addition, the horror portion of the film is absolutely ludicrous and eyebrow squintingly bad also. Maybe this was also an attempt at comedy, which if it was, fell incredibly flat as well. I'm surprised Rachel Zegler decided to sign on to this trainwreck because there are no redeeming qualities about it and I couldn't wait for the final credits to roll as I was finished with this not even halfway through. Once the Y2K bug went into effect, it all unraveled for me. No amount of nostalgia, 90's soundtrack, or 90's costumes could save this abomination. Hard pass for anyone even remotely pondering subjecting themselves to this. 3/10