Russia intervened actively in 2015 in the Syrian civil war and by so doing tipped the scales in Assad’s favor
Moscow’s intervention stemmed from several interests that are as important for the Kremlin today as they were then
The first is that through Syria, Russia is able to project power throughout the Middle East and combat US influence in the region
Assad gave Russia, 1. a much-coveted warmwater port on the Mediterranean in Tartus 2. and an air base near Latakia
Agreements with Assad will allow Russia to operate the port and air base for the next half century if not longer
strategic significance
This has strategic significance for Moscow which explains why, in the midst of its war with Ukraine, over the last week it has undertaken bombing runs against the rebels in northern Syria, trying to halt their advance
Syria's poor showing and rapid defeat
In addition, Moscow has an interest in showing other allies that it will come to their aid and keep them from obliteration – one reason the rapid defeat last week of Assad forces around Aleppo was such an embarrassment for the Kremlin
Assad’s poor showing undermines Russia’s position in the region and trashes the perception Russia wants to project that – unlike the US – it is a superpower on which its allies can rely to ensure they do not fall