Originally Posted by Havana
Originally Posted by Liggio
In their power bases, the Mafia still flourishes. Most LCN Families that went extinct disappeared because they stopped recruiting. It's that simple. Families that are still recruiting are still here, and always will be as long as they are still making people. Sure, most of the remaining Families are severely damaged from events that happened decades ago. Lousy bosses, guys flipping, internal strife, most of the mob’s wounds are self-inflicted, yet many people act as though it's all due to RICO as if it's that simple.

How is there any trust among them when these days it seems many of them are not from the same neighborhoods
Not even sure if these days they even know for sure who is really Italian, let alone all 4 grandparents

The diluting of the blood as multi-generational Italians now firmly entrenched 'Mericans' coupled with the shrinking racket pool of activities and the draconian laws, highly sophisticated LE techniques, etc., etc.,etc. We could go on all day with this.

The long and short of this subject is that its all OVER!!