Originally Posted by Liggio
In their power bases, the Mafia still flourishes. Most LCN Families that went extinct disappeared because they stopped recruiting. It's that simple. Families that are still recruiting are still here, and always will be as long as they are still making people. Sure, most of the remaining Families are severely damaged from events that happened decades ago. Lousy bosses, guys flipping, internal strife, most of the mob’s wounds are self-inflicted, yet many people act as though it's all due to RICO as if it's that simple.

Many mob families died because the sons or the nephew of the old guard went legit and doesnt want to follow their fathers because they are rich and dont want to risk their lives.
The families that still recruit have to make do with what's left.
But anyway the bloods,the latin kings,the bikers are doing bussiness with the mob because the real important color is the green of the dollars not the red of blood.