How come the Aryan Brotherood its not big on the outside? Or whites generally?
Ofcorse there are white dealers etc but in prison the Whites have shown they have the balls and power. Why arent there big white groups that controll cities etc? Maybe Hells Angels but they cant compare to like Cartels, Mafias etc?
The AB is definitely operating on the outside, but it's all about demographics. In Los Angeles city for instance the blue collar neighborhoods are largely Mexican, African American or Central American with some pockets of Armenians (in Glendale) and Koreans (parts of Koreatown). Naturally the biggest gang element is gonna come out of communities in the tougher neighborhoods. The vast majority of whites in inner city Los Angeles are well-off yuppie hipsters; they're not gonna run the criminal element in any neighborhood lol.
The AB is definitely operating in the counties outside the city; there's definitely a noticeable presence in Orange County for instance. Not the mention the counties in Northern California and the outskirts of cities like Sacramento or Fresno. Basically every year there are RICO cases in California that are connected to the AB.
It's the same thing with the ABT in Texas; they have taken a root in many smaller towns and more rural districts outside the bigger cities.
When it comes to white supremacist criminal organizations the Universal Aryan Brotherhood in Oklahoma is probably one of the more endemic at the moment. Big time meth traffickers and they hold a TON of sway in both Oklahoma prisons, rural towns in the state as well as parts of bigger cities like OKC.