Yes, a very good interview. Whats interesting is that he actually told at least 7-9 guys he was going to speak with the prosecutor. He even told Vinny Basciano that it was a strategy. I actually believe that. He said Arnold Squiteiri and another guy didnt want him to do it. Because he told his father he was done and he told everyone he was around he was done, I do believe he went in "as a civilian" and I just dont see it as a rat move. He even went back to general population with all the guys who knew what he did. Its almost akin to pleading guilty and admitting what you did in court which many guys do. He told the government he would take a 20 year plea and they wouldnt agree. What he did after the trial was funny.. He told the lead agent, " how is that 20 year plea looking now mother fucker". priceless. They played dirty with Gotti Jr.
He also demonstrated some class when he was asked about John Alite- He said he didnt want to comment on him because he had just lost his daughter. Scumbag Alite never would of done that.
Last edited by Lenox; 12/12/24 09:20 AM.