Hezbollah wants HTS to consider Israel an enemy, allow arms flow to resume
The Times of Israel by Agencies and ToI Staff 14 December 2024

  • Hezbollah chief says supply route via Syria cut, hopes rebels won’t have ties with Israel

Hezbollah head Naim Qassem expects rebel leadership that ousted Assad will consider,
1. Israel an enemy
2. allow arms flow to resume

Qassem acknowledged Saturday that the Lebanese terror group had lost its arms supply route through Syria following the toppling of Bashar al-Assad’s regime nearly a week ago by a sweeping rebel offensive

Qassem didn’t mention Assad by name in his televised address and said,
the group “cannot judge, these new forces until they stabilize” and “take clear positions”
but Qassem hoped,
the Lebanese and Syrian people and governments could continue to cooperate”
Qassem added,
“Yes, Hezbollah has lost the military supply route through Syria at this stage but this loss is a detail in the resistance’s work”
“A new regime could come and this route could return to normal and we could look for other ways”
Syria provided a land route for Hezbollah’s patron, Iran, to send convoys of weapons to Lebanon

Such convoys were often targeted by Israeli airstrikes but the terror group was able to heavily arm itself regardless
Thanks! to UNIFIL

UNIFIL "said little and did less” while Hezbollah was building up their tunnel-based massive military build-up, for nearly two decades Peace and Security Sure thing Job well done! indeed

*United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon was established 19 March 1978