Moshtag B: The motive behind the explosions in The Hague has been revealed
Dec 18, 1:05 PM
The police suspect that Moshtag Barekzai (33), a Rotterdam resident of Afghan descent, is the client behind the explosion at the Tarwekamp in The Hague.
The target appears to be a bridal fashion store, the owner of which is B.'s ex-partner. According to several police sources, the motive is not about criminal activities, but about the broken relationship between B. and the owner.
The explosion, which took place in an apartment building, had disastrous consequences. Five apartments were completely destroyed. Six people were killed and four others were injured.
According to investigators, the suspect only wanted to cause damage to the bridal fashion store. However, the consequences were much more serious. Experts point out that inexperience and the use of heavy explosives may have contributed to the enormous damage.
Four suspects arrested
Besides Moshtag Barekzai, three other suspects have been arrested. These are Ilyas (23) and Mourad (29) from Roosendaal and Adil (33) from Oosterhout.
The police suspect that Moshtag B. called in the men to carry out the attack. He used to live in Roosendaal and may have had contact with them there.