The owner of the company I work for actually came out and said to me yesterday "I want you to represent me because you actually give a fuck about your appearance and dressing well."

Perfect example about being taken seriously in the way you dress.

The rest of the people here that dress like shit overheard it and the look on their faces it was like a dog with a tail between their legs. Fucking slobs but not my problem. You choose to dress like shit well that is just a reflection on just how fucking pathetic you are. Don't even get me started if I made the rules on dress code policy at work as these people I am not even sure if they would be capable of following it. I'll write out a few examples of what I would require.

1. Clothes must be neatly pressed. Jeans are acceptable but they must be dressy & well fitted and shirts (For men) need to have a collar.
2. You must be showered & clean and your hair styled before you start your day. A good cologne or perfume is also highly encouraged.
3. Clean shaven or well maintained trimmed facial hair.
4. Nails must be neatly manicured.
5. A tanning membership is highly encouraged. Everyone looks better with some color (male and female).
6. Gym memberships will be provided by the company. That way there are no excuses to be a fat slob.

Last edited by RushStreet; 12/20/24 12:59 PM.