The Bitter Lesson Israel Can Learn From Russia About Fighting Long Wars
Prolonged fighting is straining the Russian economy Israel faces the same problem if Netanyahu insists on keeping it on a war footing
Economically speaking (and for that matter, virtually everything-else speaking) Israel and Russia couldn't be more different
Israel was asleep at the wheel...
Terrorists unleashed surpriseterror of savagery and sadism, on Israel 07 October 2023
This “belligerent warring” been going on far too long.... Israeli soldiers far too high a toll
Israel has not seen this scale of military activity in terms of duration, intensity and cost in recent times
Israel is burning and bleeding, on all fronts including its economy
Hamas must have known what would happen – that Israel would react with force and that many Gazan people would suffer as a result Then again, 1. “We make the headlines only with blood” 2. “No blood, no news” 3. willingness to sacrifice Palestinian civilian lives for their own advantage 4. calling their own people's deaths “necessary sacrifice”
Palestinian civilian death toll and horrific humanitarian situation in the Gaza strip
common denominator: Russia
The two wars currently dominating the agenda: Ukraine war and Israel-Middle East war -- have / had one common denominator: Russia