Over 360 years in prison for the Abbinante clan, a hard blow to the boss Arcangelo !

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Heavy-handedness by Gup Tommaso Perrella , at the end of a summary trial held in Naples. 361 years and 80 days of imprisonment inflicted on about thirty defendants, including leaders and underlings of the Abbinante Camorra clan.

The highest sentences, twenty years of imprisonment , reduced by a third for the procedure, were inflicted on the boss Arcangelo Abbinante , on Salvatore Mari , known as “o' tenente”, who before his capture was included in the list of the most dangerous wanted men of the Ministry of the Interior, Alessio Cuomo and Patrizio Sergio .

These are the sentences for the other defendants: Nicola Capasso (18 years); Salvatore Iorio (17 years, 9 months and 10 days); Andrea Arpino (14 years and 10 months); Francesco Abbinante (born in 1998, 14 years); Paolo Ciprio (13 years and 4 months); Claudio Di Napoli (12 years); Vincenzo Carrino (12 years); Giovanni Gelsomino (12 years); Vincenzo Pagano (12 years); Guido Esposito (11 years and 4 months); Francesco Bartolo (11 years, one month and 10 days); Domenico Martello (11 years, one month and 10 days); Giovanna Monetti (11 years, one month and 10 days); Gennaro Matuozzo (10 years); Rosa Marotta (9 years, 5 months and 10 days); Luigi Basile (9 years and 4 months); Tommaso Ciriello (9 years and 4 months); Giuseppe Romano (9 years and 4 months); Gennaro Russo (9 years and 4 months); Salvatore Volpicelli (8 years, 10 months and 20 days with a fine of 40 thousand euros); Antonio Esposito (8 years, 6 months and a fine of 21 thousand euros); Vincenzo Candido (8 years, 5 months and 10 days); Salvatore Monreale (8 years and a fine of 20 thousand euros); Francesco Nocera (8 years); Vincenzo Frattini (6 years and 8 months); Alessandro Errico (6 years and a fine of 21 thousand euros).

Probation for a period of not less than three years for Francesco Abbinante, Mari, Arpino, Di Napoli, Iorio, Gelsomino, Guido Esposito. Acquittals from some of the charges contested for Arcangelo Abbinante, Paolo Ciprio, Alessandro Errico, Guido Esposito, Salvatore Volpicelli, Vincenzo Pagano (defended by the lawyer Nicola Pomponio) "for not having committed the act" (in this last case it is extortion). Acquittal for some of the crimes contested but with the formula "because the act does not exist" for Antonio Esposito and Salvatore Iorio.

The defense team included, in addition to Pomponio, lawyers Dello Iacono, Regine, Mottola and Procentese, among others.

Last edited by Hollander; 12/22/24 02:54 AM.

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