Ireland's badge of dishonor in its phony war with Israel
The Jerusalem Post by Alan Shatter 22 December 2024

  • Demonizing of Israel
In the realm of international affairs, most time was spent in the last Dáil after October 7, 2023 by both the government and all opposition parties engaged in a repetitive orgy of relentless demonizing of Israel with occasional ritual references to the plight of the hostages

A form of political amnesia set in, resulting in initial government condemnation of the Hamas pogrom of October 7 being rapidly replaced by a cross-party narrative of Israel for no reason arbitrarily bombing and killing civilians in Gaza, in particular children and then repeating its conduct in Lebanon

This replicated a narrative popularised by various Irish media outlets, including RTE Ireland’s state-funded national TV and radio broadcaster and favored by Ireland’s student unions and trade union movement, including its National Union of Journalists