Ireland's badge of dishonor in its phony war with Israel
The Jerusalem Post by Alan Shatter 22 December 2024

  • The Irish government's contradiction and hypocrisy
The Irish government is simultaneously accusing Israel of genocide while recognizing nothing done by Israel to defend its citizens against Hamas terrorism currently falls within the existing international law concept of genocide

This, together with Harris’s much-repeated blood libel allegation that Israel is deliberately killing Palestinian children, is what triggered Gideon Saar’s antisemitic depiction of Harris and the closure of Israel’s Dublin embassy

It is a pity that before announcing its closure and handing a victory to Israel’s adversaries, Saar didn’t fully realize,
1. Harris is merely a political opportunist who has never visited the Middle East
2. Harris' initial knowledge of the conflict derives from TikTok and Irish media,
3. Harris knows nothing of Jewish history,
4. Harris is addicted to media-friendly student soundbites
5. and determined to appease Ireland’s Israel haters

Privately, it can be assumed that both Harris and Martin are delighted by the closure of the embassy
At the commencement of the new Dáil last Wednesday, Martin observed that “one of the things that most encourages cynicism about politics is when our time is wasted on empty gestures and grandstanding”

At that moment, Martin presented as oblivious to that being a succinct depiction of the Irish government's over-year-long pronouncements on the Israeli / Palestinian conflict