Chikli continued, “It is a well-known fact that 1. Jesus was born to a Jewish mother, 2. lived as a Jew, 3. and died as a Jew,”
“It is also a well-known fact that 1. the term ‘Jew’ originates from Judah, 2. the fourth son of Leah, from whom the Tribe of Judah descended.”
“Two weeks ago, you took part in a display that echoes the Palestinian narrative, portraying Jesus as a Palestinian Arab. There is no other way to understand the decision to present his image in a cradle, wrapped in a keffiyeh.
Had this been a one-time matter, I would not have written,” Chikli emphasized, before turning to the second event that prompted him to write the letter.
“As a nation that lost six million of its sons and daughters in the Holocaust, we are especially sensitive to the trivialization of the term ‘genocide’ – a trivialization that is dangerously close to Holocaust denial.