Vincenzo Musacchio to Nederland 24: ''Corruption is an essential part of the mafia method''
AMDuemila December 23, 2024
“ Corruption has become an essential part of the mafia method and this symbiosis risks getting worse with the progressive weakening of the fighting strategies due above all to ineffective legislative reforms such as, for example, the Nordio law which in Italy abolished abuse of office” said the Italian forensic criminologist Vincenzo Musacchio on the relationship between mafias and corruption, in an interview given to Nederland 24 on the occasion of the International Day Against Corruption. “ It would be appropriate – he continued – to start not approving laws that go in the opposite direction of the fight against corruption, avoiding, for example, that the majority of crimes against the public administration become time-barred in the various levels of judgment provided for by our legal system ”. “ When the mafias use corruption to penetrate the vital nodes of the State, the consequences are devastating, since they negatively impact the economy, finance, the world of work and production processes ”. “ By effectively fighting corruption, we also fight with equal determination the mafias that use and feed on it. Both in Italy and in Europe we have witnessed numerous operations that have revealed a worrying network of connivances involving mafiosi, politicians, entrepreneurs, financiers, professionals and important members of civil society .”

Elections and exchange of favors
“One of the most common infiltrations is to bribe to elect institutional representatives who will then return the favor by making the mafia profit. We get you elected and then you will assign us the contracts and/or subsidies” . “ In my studies, unfortunately, I have to say that these episodes are not isolated cases” , said Musacchio. “ Given this is the current situation, the urgency of legislative interventions to effectively combat corruption, both at national and European level, becomes unpostponable. It is essential that political forces understand the importance of a fight against corruption without borders ”.


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