Originally Posted by Hollander
Valachi laid the groundwork and was more important in understanding Cosa Nostra Rudy did say Joe's book helped him in building the Commission case. But it didnt play a big role in other cases or trials.

Yes, I agree, totally. Valachi was very instrumental in laying out the basic groundwork of Cosa Nostra. The nuts and bolts. But although he was there from the beginning, his was still a 'soldiers' perspective -- and a low-level soldier at that.

Whereas Bonanno gave a completely different viewpoint, from the high perch of a boss sitting atop a family -- one of the largest and most important families. And he also had a much deeper perspective of the life because his knowledge traced all the way back to Sicily, even generations before his personal ascension.

But, that said, the so-called Commission case was the only case that comes to mind where they directly used Bonanno's info. Although I'm certain that other prosecutors over the years made use of it 'unofficially.'

But by that measuring stick, Valachi's info was never used either to make a criminal case. The one exception being where he testified (largely untruthfully) at one of Carmine Persico's early cases (which ended up in acquittal.)

Outside of Harlem, Lower Manhattan and the Bronx, Valachi's knowledge was very limited.

Whereas, once again, Bonanno's knowledge was national and international in scope.

Last edited by NYMafia; 12/30/24 09:51 AM.