Michael Pitt stars as former boxing champion Irish Mike Flannigan. After being incarcerated for the last 10 years, upon his release he's given the opportunity to fight for the middleweight championship at Madison Square Garden after his trainer Stevie (Ron Perlman) is able to pull some strings. The film follows Mike during his day as this could be his last fight, from seeing his estranged daughter, to making amends with those who he has strained relationships with. The movie is shot entirely in black-and-white while some flashbacks only gain a hint of color. It's a very heartfelt, sad, but moving journey. Pitt gives a fine, dramatic performance as the punch drunk boxer although I will say his training montage and boxing scenes left much to be desired. I understand he's been away from the ring for a decade and maybe that's what they were trying to capture on camera, his rust. If not, he should have put more work into that aspect of the character but that's not what the film is based upon. It's very much a drama, more concerned with the journey rather than the destination. You'll also see cameos from fellow producers Joe Pesci and Steve Buscemi. A solid way to start off the new year! 7.5/10