Nor sure about those 2.
I know Larry Dentico back during the Apalachin conference may have already been Made. He was Made in the late 1950's... before the books closed. He was apart of the Greenwhich village crew back then. He was friends with heavyweights in that crew like Vincent Gigante; Mario Gigante; Dom Cirillo; and Bobby Manna. Dentico was a powerhouse back in the 1960's.. He also controlled some operations in New Jersey with Bobby Manna during the 60's and 70's I believe. Legend say he took orders from Vito Genovese directly when he was apart of the "JETS"... Dentico is the last I would say from the mobsters born in the 1920's. Early 1920's to be exact. He's seen everything.
Didn't he lose alot of power after Apalachin.
Last edited by Zavattoni; 01/03/25 10:03 PM.