Ambush in Barra among the crowd, the 44-year-old wounded near the Aprea clan: two hitmen acted
Marine Ciccarelli
January 4, 2025

The name of the 44-year-old man who ended up in the sights of the hitmen in the ambush committed yesterday in Barra, an eastern suburb of Naples, is Ettore Velotti . The man was hit by several gunshots to a leg and a foot.

Ambush in Barra among the crowd, the 44-year-old wounded near the Aprea clan: two hitmen acted
The attackers knew where to intercept him. And so at 3:30 PM, at the intersection of Corso Sirena and Paizza Vincenzo de Franchis, they decided to open fire. The criminals fired wildly, into the crowd, also damaging some parked cars. Miraculously, none of the shots fired hit passers-by.

The victim of the raid was instead transported to the emergency room of the Villa Betania hospital and released in the early evening without serious consequences. The manner of the ambush suggests a Camorra origin . Ettore Velotti has no criminal record for association , even if he has a history of crimes of robbery, personal injury and resisting a public official. Investigators believe he is close to the Aprea clan, a criminal group that dominates the neighborhood.

The men of the Flying Squad are investigating the episode. The police tried to interrogate Velotti, but he did not make any important statements. According to an initial reconstruction, two hitmen went into action. Among the hypotheses on the motive, a settling of scores between gangster groups or punishment for an insult. At the center of the episode there could also be criminal fibrillations linked to the clash between the Aprea-Cuccaro and the Celeste, a splinter group anxious to unseat the old bosses.

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