In the year of the Corleonesi massacres, Paolo Di Lauro fought the first Camorra feud
By Enzo Amato
January 2, 2025

The war between Ciruzzo 'o Milionario and the Mugnano separatist group headed by Antonio Ruocco dates back to 1992
1992 was not only the year of the judicial revolution of Tangentopoli. It was not only the most brutal moment of the Corleonesi's massacre strategy. It was also the year in which, for the first time, Paolo Di Lauro 's criminal empire was called into question. 1992 was the year of the first real feud fought by the clan of the boss of Secondigliano against a separatist group, the one headed by Antonio Ruocco. The boss, a fine diplomat, managed to sit at the tables of the big bosses of the 1980s, and in the 1990s, obtaining the support - judicial chronicles tell - of criminal families of the caliber of the Nuvolettas of Marano and the D'Alessandros of Castellammare di Stabia.

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The trail of blood
The split of the split

Even Gennaro Licciardi, the late founder of the Secondigliano Alliance, was on good terms with Ciruzzo 'o milionario. Before the bloody war with the secessionists, his leadership was undermined by a secessionist movement that, in that case too, came from the hinterland. In particular, from Mugnano. A question of money, needless to say. Ruocco, former area leader of the organization in Mugnano, decided to march alone and there was war. A bloody conflict that ended with the massacre at the Bar Fulmine in Secondigliano and with the repentance of Ruocco himself. Numerous ordinances were also issued for the crimes of that feud.

The trail of blood
Starting with the murder of Antonio Ruocco and Giuseppe Vallefuoco (in June 1991); the murder of Elena Moxedano, and the attempted murder of her husband Sebastiano Ruocco, brother of the collaborator of justice Antonio, (19 October 1991); the double murder of Annibale Cirillo and Luigi Pirozzi, (25 March 1992); the murder of Biagio Ronga, uncle of Antonio Ruocco, (16 May 1992); the murder of Angela Ronga, mother of Antonio Ruocco, (25 May 1992); the murder of Alfredo Negri, who had supported Ruocco in the feud (Negri was tortured and burned alive on 27 July 1992); the murder of Rocco Capuozzo, known as Rocchino, (13 April 1993); the murder of Pasquale Capuozzo, (9 May 1993).

Read also: Cosimo Di Lauro, the first ambush of the 'black prince' against a Licciardi man
Many collaborators of justice, such as Antonio Prestieri, Antonio Pica, and Giuseppe Misso jr, 'o chiatto, have also spoken of those crimes and that forgotten war. A war, the one with the Ruoccos, which ended with the victory of the Di Lauros who, twelve years later, had to face another feud, a clash of much more significant dimensions, the one with the 'Spanish'.

The split of the split
The secessionists emerged victorious from that conflict and dictated the rules of the armistice. A few more years and the secessionist federation also split. The two-headed monster of the Amato-Pagano family also had an internal fracture. The Paganos, who in Mugnano would have had contacts with members of the old Ruocco family, would have tried to expand also in Melito, a municipality that the Amatos have always considered 'their exclusive property'. Those disagreements have been healed. In Secondigliano the cold winds of the Camorra wars and the raids have crystallized the clans in their positions. Nothing is moving. But for some it is only an apparent calm.

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