US anti-Israel activists blame Jewish state for Los Angeles wildfire crisis
New York Congressman Ritchie Torres, one of Israel’s most outspoken supporters in Washington, lashed the Far-left group 'Code Pink' for blaming Israel for the fires
Torres said on X:
“The nature of Antisemitism is to scapegoat the Jewish People and the Jewish State for everything wrong in the world — no matter how tenuous the causal connection”
“The modus operandi of Antisemitism is slanderous scapegoating: when in doubt, blame the Jews”
What's new?! even whennotin doubt that Jews are not responsible, Still blame the Jews
The head of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt, said on X:
“Code Pink’s rabid anti-Zionism and insatiable animosity toward Israel drives them to make an absurd, incomprehensible claim”
“What does it say about a group that will find a way to use any tragedy to foster incitement and antisemitism?”
Amy Spitalnick, the head of the progressive Jewish Council for Public Affairs, called the Code Pink statement
“the latest example of a relentless scapegoating of Israel or Jews for virtually any global problem”