How Israeli soldiers abroad are facing arrest for war crimes in Gaza
Neve Gordon, professor of international law and human rights at Queen Mary University of London noted, the impact of the legal proceedings has “created a threat” referencing the panicked response from Benjamin Netanyahu’s government which swiftly took steps, to protect its active-duty military staff overseas
the political scientist stressed that content shared by Israeli soldiers on social media platforms clearly shows not just destruction but an apparent “joy” accompanying it
“I think soldiers going abroad will now really think twice about what they post from Gaza”
Gordon believes there is a serious risk of arrest or legal action for Israeli soldiers involved in war crimes
However Gordon made clear that such prospects, rest on: 1. the “will” of the country they are visiting 2. its legal system 3. and the “pressure” that Israel would put on that state not to issue an arrest warrant
The risk these alleged perpetrators face of war crime arrests in foreign countries largely depends on the state’s jurisdiction