Was Hamas afraid? They feel they’re winning. One definition of victory for Hamas can be summed up in a single word: breathing.
1. They got world sympathy and attention they never had. 2. They’ve got the rest of the world ready to help rebuild Gaza. 3. They won’t have to govern, others will do that, 4. so they can concentrate on rebuilding their military force.
So who wins? Everyone does.
1. Biden can say he did it on his watch. 2. Trump can boast he was the catalyst. 3. Bibi can say he’s returning the hostages. 4. Families of hostages and their supporters win. 5. Hamas can say it survived to fight another day. 6. Qatar can say it was the peacemaker, leading the negotiations. 7. Egypt can say, “me, too.”
And don’t forget the arms industries. 1. War is good for business, and their factories will be working overtime to resupply all sides. 2. Weapons that performed remarkably, will be in high demand by other countries.
As will the contractors who will get the job of rebuilding after the massive destruction.