'Ngopp Miano Boss Tried to Escape to Switzerland, Caught After 7 Months
Internapoli Editorial Team

Boss Oscar Pecorelli attempted to escape to Switzerland, captured after 7 months. Today the personnel of the State Police, with the assistance of the Cantonal Police, arrested him in the city of Sion. The clan leader of the 'Ngopp Miano group, last June, had evaded capture by going into hiding when the order for the application of the precautionary custodial measure was executed, issued by the GIP Office of the Court of Naples, at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Naples, District Anti-Mafia Directorate, against 17 individuals considered to be responsible in various capacities for mafia-type association, murder, assault, firing of gunshots in a public place, carrying and possession of common and war weapons, extortion and possession of narcotics, committed to facilitate the Lo Russo clan and with the aggravating circumstance of the mafia method.

The criminal groups of Scognamiglio and Pecorelli
The investigative activity, conducted by the operators of the "Capturandi" Section of the Naples Flying Squad and the Scampia Police Station, in collaboration with the Central Directorate of the Criminal Police, the Service for International Police Cooperation and the Central Operations Service, had allowed the collection from February 2021 to 2022 of evidentiary elements regarding the existence, structure and operation of the Scognamiglio and Pecorelli criminal groups, heirs of the Lo Russo clan.

The war for the control of Miano
The same, with extremely ferocious criminal actions, including several murders, competed for leadership in the Neapolitan neighborhoods of Miano, Chiaiano, Piscinola and Marianella.
The conflict between the two factions had caused enormous social alarm, as mentioned, by virtue of the numerous murders and shootings, recorded in the disputed territories and listed below:
• The murder of Milano Salvatore, a historic member of the Lo Russo Clan, which occurred on April 22, 2021;
• The murder of Avolio Antonio, which occurred on June 24, 2021;
• The wounding of Di Caprio Salvatore, which occurred on June 10, 2021;
• the assault committed on March 29, 2021 against some employees of the Monaldi Hospital in Naples, following a "military raid" on the hospital, carried out by a compliant employee and for reasons related to the buying and selling of jobs in favor of individuals close to the clan;
• the extortion of the owner of a bar in the Miano district which took place in August 2021;
• the seizure of the clan's arsenal of common and war weapons;
• The firing of gunshots in a public place, carrying and possession of common and war weapons in relation to the shootings of 06.10.2021, 06.16.2021, 06.17.2021, 07.08.2021, 08.09.2021.

Following intensive and continuous investigations coordinated by the Naples DDA and carried out by the aforementioned investigative offices, today, after approximately 7 months on the run, Pecorelli was arrested pursuant to a European arrest warrant, awaiting extradition to Italy.


"The king is dead, long live the king!"