Israel must win this war
Jewish News Syndicate by Caroline B. Glick 25 January 2025

  • Cease-fire/hostage deal with Hamas is 'a bad and dangerous deal'

Phase One
will make it difficult for Israel to restore its previous gains and go on to achieve victory in the war

Phase Two
1. secures Hamas’ victory
2. The implication of a full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza is that Hamas wins the war

Hamas survives not only intact but in full control of Gaza, respected worldwide as the jihadist force that committed genocide and survived to rebuild and do it again and again

Phase Three
  • If implemented, involves Hamas’s return of the bodies of the dead, in exchange for the establishment of a Palestinian proto-state controlled by terrorists all over again
  • So if implemented, Phase 3 ensures that Hamas will renew its genocidal assault on Israel sooner rather than later