Our heroic soldiers are winning and can win And they must win October 7 will only be a one-off if Hamas is annihilated and Gaza remains pacified forever
Steep price for the hostages
They are willing to pay a steep price to secure the freedom of 33 hostages but the fight cannot be forsaken
Hostage taking is the cruelest form of psychological warfare And it is the most powerful weapon that Israel’s enemies have in their arsenal
The terrorists know that while the Jews sanctify death, the sanctification of life is the foundational creed of the Jewish people
Those who seek a deal at all costs are right about the soul of Israel Our collective soul was bludgeoned on October 7 and the wound remains unhealed every day the hostages remain in Gaza
As the years pass, the wound will become a scar that every Israeli and every Jew on earth will carry till the end of time But our ability to carry those scars requires Israel to survive
October 7 showed us our enemy And now that we have seen it, we cannot ignore the truth
For the nation of Israel and the State of Israel to survive, Israel must win this war no matter what the cost