Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Havana
From the 1950s to the 1970s Anthiny DiGgregorio listed himself as a presser and owner of garment factories,He was trained young as a presser

Besides owning the business did DiGregorio actually perform the duties of a presser,or for that matter put much serious effort into running his business?
Or was it just a front or a title to give the government as his source of income

It seems like in many cases the Sicilian mafiosio actually did real jobs as well as work hands on as business owners,compared to the image we get of some of the Camorra guys like Capone or Genovese and the like

Good morning Havana,

Those garment factories were not owned by Anthony, per se. His father, Gaspare, actually held ownership interests in those firms for many years. But starting when Anthony was a teenager/young man, his dad put him to work there. Tony actually learned the trade of a pressor, and other aspects of the garment manufacturing business. I cannot be sure, but as he got older -- into his thirties and forties -- he may have been 'given' a financial piece in one of those dress contracting shops as well.

Over the years these factories actually served duel purposes -- for both Gaspare and his son. They actually produced an income each week, with the added benefit providing a cover for them with the IRS by showing an explainable annual income.

It sounds like he actually did work.If not as a presser as an adult,it sounds like he showed up to run the businesses
Which sounds like something typical of the Sicilians
They seemed to have real jobs regardless of Mafia affiliation or any criminal activity
Outside of running bars,night clubs,and gambling places,that's not the first impression one might get of the Camorra guys
The same could be said of DiGregorio's wife's family in the different articles. They seemed more like honest businessmen that worked every day