From: The Jerusalem Post January 30, 2025

To be clear from the outset The Jerusalem Post does not in any way endorse the concept of removing the Palestinians from Gaza or forcibly transferring them.

1. Arab leaders talk big on Palestine—but where’s the real support?
2. the question remains of what Israel’s Arab neighbors can do, to help the solution.

Why is it that every time the Palestinian issue flares up, Arab nations are
1. quick to offer condemnation
2. but slow to offer real, tangible solutions?

Here is the real hypocrisy of the Arab world when it comes to Palestine: Their support is largely symbolic.
1. They will fund Hamas with millions of dollars,
2. ensure the conflict remains alive as a political cause
3. and shout slogans of “resistance.”

But when it comes to real, material support – there is nothing:
1. taking in refugees,
2. investing in infrastructure,
3. ensuring governance that does not rely on terror

The Gulf states, flush with oil wealth, have spent decades funding radicalism while doing little to improve the actual lives of Palestinians.

1. Where are the new Palestinian cities built with Emirati or Saudi investment?
2. Where are the Arab-led peace initiatives that involve something more than just anti-Israel resolutions at the UN?