Egypt which controlled Gaza from 1948 until 1967 has gone to great lengths to avoid entanglement with the Palestinians on its border.
The Egyptian government has erected barriers so formidable that they make Israel’s security infrastructure look lenient by comparison: 1. A six-meter concrete wall, 2. barbed wire, 3. an underground steel barrier –
it’s all there, ensuring the Palestinians of Gaza remain there. Ifonly Israel had ensured the terrorists Hamas remained there...
For all the fiery statements of support for the Palestinian cause, Egypt treats Gaza like a hostile entity, not a suffering neighbor.
The Rafah border crossing, the only exit from Gaza not controlled by Israel, remains tightly controlled by Cairo. Even at times of dire humanitarian crises, when medical aid is desperately needed, the border is often shut tight.
The truth is, Egypt’s actions speak louder than its carefully curated diplomatic statements: It does not want to deal with the Palestinians of Gaza. No Arab country does...