Trump: Netanyahu and Israel are his close friends
The Jerusalem Post by Herb Keinon 29 January 2025

  • Biden administration displeasure toward Israel and Netanyahu
In short, the delayed call was seen as sending a message
A similar dynamic played out after Netanyahu returned as prime minister in late December 2022

It took Biden 9 months to arrange a meeting with Netanyahu and even then, it was on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly rather than at the White House

This snub was viewed as the administration signaling its displeasure toward Israel:
1. displeasure with the Israeli prime minister’s hard-right coalition partners
2. opposition to his judicial overhaul
3. broader dissatisfaction with his government’s policies

There was also a domestic component to this, with Biden trying to placate the progressive wing of the Democratic Party who viewed Netanyahu unfavorably and would look askance at any gesture toward him

Just as in 2021 much ink and airtime were devoted, to why it took so long for Biden,
1. to call Netanyahu
2. and what that meant about Israeli-US relations

Netanyahu’s domestic critics jumped on this as proof that Netanyahu had poisoned Israel-US ties