For Israel’s enemies, like Iran and Hezbollah, this early-stage meeting is likely to be read as a reaffirmation of US support for Israel, dashing any hope they may have had that Washington’s stance on Israel was shifting in their favor
One of Israel’s key diplomatic assets is, its close relationship with Washington – and just as important, the perception of that closeness When that closeness is visible, Israel can leverage it with Arab states and others seeking better access to the US
A freeze-out, on the other hand, sends the opposite impression
If Israel appears to have lost its privileged access to the White House, then one of its key advantages for Arab states with whom it wants to normalize ties, diminishes That is no small matter
Israel has long traded on its unique standing with Washington, not just in the Middle East but with countries worldwide that lack direct access to US power centers
A White House meeting is a visible demonstration of that access