Trump: Netanyahu and Israel are his close friends
The Jerusalem Post by Herb Keinon 29 January 2025

  • Israel remains at the forefront of US foreign policy considerations under Trump
Also, when the relations between Israel and the US are seen as warm and close, it has a spillover effect on other countries who take their cues from America

When tensions are visible and the optics are bad, countries that may want to take a more critical approach toward Israel may feel emboldened, reasoning that if the US is creating distance, they can afford to do the same

Predictably, some are arguing that such an early meeting is not necessarily a good thing and that Trump is giving Netanyahu a bear hug so that it will be impossible for him to say “no” to future US demands whether regarding Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Iran or a Palestinian state

While there may be some truth to that, the meeting itself coming so soon – and the message that sends – is undeniably positive

It signals to friend and foe alike that the US stands firmly with Israel, a reality that all parties will have to take into consideration when contemplating their next moves

Even if no major policy announcements emerge from the meeting – though issues such as post-war Gaza, Saudi normalization, Iran and the Houthis will surely be discussed – its timing alone carries immense symbolic weight

It demonstrates that Israel remains at the forefront of US foreign policy considerations under Trump, a reassuring thought with which to start the next four years