Israel must win this war
Jewish News Syndicate by Caroline B. Glick 25 January 2025

  • The Palestinian war against Israel is a zero-sum game—either
1. Israel wins, ensuring its survival and the terrorists are defeated; or
2. the terrorists win and Israel’s countdown to destruction begins;

Originally Posted by Trojan
From: The Jerusalem Post January 23, 2025
Extracts: The challenge Israel has faced in confronting such a strategy -- how Hamas had succeeded in Gaza -- is that Israel has not come up with an effective counterstrategy.

Day 483
1. Unfortunately Israel has precious little to nothing, to show for it
2. Israel has not achieved any of its goals, in any front
3. In fact, control of Gaza [back] to Hamas
4. sacrifices, horrifically wounded soldiers and soldiers returning in coffins
5. brutal human cost of innocent civilians
6. death, devastation, destruction, despair all around
7. Israel forced to negotiate with terrorists
8. war cost nearly $42 billion, an average of $83.8 million per day

Originally Posted by Kangaroo Don
The terrorists will never stop trying to destroy Israel especially now that they know Israel will be the Global pariah no matter what terror atrocities they commit, in their unified barbaric hatred of Jews and bloodlust

Please! Only Trump can Make Israel Great, Mighty, Powerful and Secure Again.... Once and for All