1. materially support terrorism 2. and threaten Jewish Americans
Earlier this month, the Secure Community Network (SCN) which coordinates security for Jewish institutions, urged Trump to take,
“action against non-citizens who materially support terrorism and threaten Jewish Americans”
Secure Community Network (SCN) Group’s Director and CEO Michael Masters, argued that existing law already permits the government to take such action when a student is found to have provided “material support” to a registered terror group such as Hamas or ISIS
Masters wrote in an open letter,
“We cannot allow individuals to take advantage of America’s liberties to attack, threaten and intimidate law-abiding American citizens in the name of terrorism” "The law forbids it"
The time has come for the United States government, 1. to stand up for our citizens and our country — 2. and to take meaningful action to protect the people of our country, by enforcing those laws