Hydra, another boss in a trap: Giuseppe Fidanzati, son of the godfather of Arenella, arrested. “He wanted to turn himself in”

Milan – The Carabinieri stopped him a stone’s throw from the Voghera prison and notified him of the prison order made enforceable by the sentence issued a few hours earlier by the Court of Cassation. Giuseppe Fidanzati , who will turn 65 on March 10 and is the son of the deceased boss of the Arenella-Acquasanta of Palermo, Gaetano, was there to turn himself in. He was arrested for the last time on December 5, 2009 in via Marghera in Milan and died in 2013 at the age of 78.

Even “Ninni”, like several others in recent days, ended up in jail fifteen months after the raid of the maxi Hydra investigation, significantly weakened by the precautionary custody order of the investigating judge Tommaso Perna who on 25 October 2023 accepted “only” 11 requests for arrest out of the 153 advanced by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate (effectively dismantling the entire accusatory system). A year later, however, the Review Court, urged by the chief prosecutor Marcello Viola and the DDA prosecutor Alessandra Cerreti, overturned everything.

The panel presided over by Judge Luisa Savoia and completed by colleagues Monica Amicone and Caterina Ambrosino ordered the precautionary custody of 41 suspects (out of the 79 targeted by the Anti-Mafia appeal), supporting the hypothesis that in recent years a three-headed organization has been formed in Lombardy, a sort of consortium in which the alleged members would have brought with them ties and criminal weight generated by their respective affiliations to the mafia, camorra and 'ndrangheta. According to the investigations of the military of the Investigative Unit, led by Colonel Antonio Coppola, it would have been precisely “Ninni“ Fidanzati one of the most authoritative referents of the unprecedented alliance, a member of a family “whose membership in Cosa Nostra is attested by the final convictions against Gaetano and his brother Stefano, respectively father and uncle of Giuseppe”.

During the investigations, the Carabinieri bloodhounds reconstructed twenty-one summits between 2020 and 2021 between Dairago, Cinisello Balsamo, Abbiategrasso, Busto Garolfo and Inveruno, convened from time to time to smooth out internal conflicts, agree on the 110% ecobonus deal, plan extortions or purchases of drug shipments: on nine occasions, the presence of Fidanzati was also recorded.

And often with him was also Paolo Aurelio Errante Parrino, 78 years old, considered the referent in the North of the Trapani clan linked to the red primrose Matteo Messina Denaro and indicated as "man of honor of the Castelvetrano family, with the tasks of decision-making, planning and identifying the actions to be taken and the strategies to be adopted for the realization of the illicit purposes of the association". According to the investigations of the DDA, "uncle Paolo" would have also passed to the boss of bosses "communications relating to deadly subjects" while he was a fugitive; also because Messina Denaro, who died in 2023, would have had a direct interest "in the huge financial deals carried out in Lombardy by the Lombard mafia system".
