john papalia was a made member of the buffalo family. after his 1997 murder his crew, or what was left of it broke up/disbanded, with most retiring or joining other crews. the total lack of response after both paplias and carmen barillaros murders in 1997 shows that at least in hamilton no member of old crew even attempted to avenge their deaths.

the luppinos at this point would be considered part of the buffalo family as they are related to the current underboss of that family domenico violi.

the musitanos were a 'ndrangheta clan who over the years made alliances with different oc groups and crews to control mostly gambling in greater hamilton area. after pat musitanos 2020 murder the musitanos were no longer.

there has also been an ongoing belief that both papalia and the musitanos retained connections back to calabria and 'ndrines with same last name. at some point in time this may have been true, 1960s-1970s, but was not true into 1990s and around 1997 murder. the musitanos did not murder papalia and barillaro as some kind of across the ocean 'ndrangheta feud, it was over local control of rackets nothing more.