
Deviant Freemasonry and 'Ndrangheta, the strong powers told by a former PM and a former Grand Master
De Magistris: «I told my people “we must be afraid in the Palace, not outside”…». Di Bernardo: «This is how I resigned from the Grand Orient of Italy»
Published: 02/09/2025 – 14:12

COSENZA The former prosecutor who wanted to eradicate the political mafia-mafia and the former grand master who left freemasonry due to too many criminal infiltrations find themselves in agreement on an unusual Saturday night in Cosenza: in one of the cities with the highest Masonic incidence ( with the monumental headquarters of the Grand Orient of Italy in via Trento ideally “challenging” the Palace of elective democracy ) the public fills the Ubik bookshop for the presentation of Luigi de Magistris' book “Poteri forti” (Fazi Editore, 2024), in the presence of Giuliano Di Bernardo. “An unprecedented dialogue” will be the opening words of the book's author.
Stimulated by the reflections of journalists Claudio Cordova and Saverio Di Giorno, the two recount from different angles and experiences the most controversial phases of republican life and the season of massacres and terrorism, of the interference of the USA to slow down the advance of the PCI and of the role of the subversive right and deviant secret services in the mysteries of Italian history: Banca dell'Agricoltura, Piazza Fontana, the Moro case, Bologna station, the Falcone and Borsellino massacres, State-mafia negotiations.
The subtitle of the volume from which the reflection begins serves to direct its meaning: «From P2 to institutional crime: the perennial coup against the Constitution and democracy» . Almost two hours of debate to cover the time span from the American landing in Sicily during the Second World War to the security decree – against which in the meantime there is a demonstration in the nearby Piazza XI Settembre – passing through two investigations “taken away” from two magistrates: that of Agostino Cordova on freemasonry and mafia and, precisely, that of de Magistris on the alleged transversal dome that pulled the strings of Calabria at the beginning of the millennium.

Calabria Laboratory
What are occult powers? De Magistris starts with a dry definition: «Powers exercised by people with leading roles in public and institutional life or in the professions, united by business and in some cases criminal ties: people who use their roles to ratify decisions taken elsewhere. These powers are at the origin of the greatest betrayal of the democratic life of our country, between bombs, attempted coups and criminal laboratories like the one in Calabria . Institutional crime – states de Magistris – is that which achieves its objectives using its bullets made of stamped paper and exploiting silence, which favors the 'ndrangheta».
The former prosecutor, then mayor of Naples with a left-wing civic movement and also a candidate for the presidency of the Calabria Region, speaks of "a river of public money that over the years has brought to Calabria a sort of Pnrr, managed by a criminal laboratory that has operated under the guise of the emergency to the detriment of the Calabrian people: a pact between large companies in the north, Roman and local politics both center-right and center-left and, indeed, occult powers. The most powerful and refined strategy not of collusion with the State but of conquest, of penetration throughout Italy: today it is the 'ndrangheta clans that use the institutions and not vice versa , the children of the bosses study at university and attacks are not necessary otherwise the reaction of the people will be unleashed with sheets from the balconies".
In de Magistris's story there are also controversial figures such as Giancarlo Pittelli and Giuseppe Chiaravalloti, "just sanctified" in mortem by all political parties: the names of the protagonists of the political-judicial Calabria of twenty years ago echo, the one that makes the former PM say without mincing words that "I repeated to my people that outside the Palace of Justice we were calm, it was inside the Prosecutor's Office that we had to watch our backs..." .

Giuseppe Valentino in Paolo Romeo's studio
Among the vast Demagistris anecdotes, the story set in the Reggio office of Paolo Romeo, convicted in the first instance in the “Gotha” trial and linked to what the former prosecutor defines as «a neo-fascist mass-mafia political dome closely connected with Avanguardia Nazionale» stands out: a bug intercepts Romeo's dialogue with the former undersecretary of Justice with Berlusconi , now in FdI and recently proposed for the vice-presidency of the CSM, «it seems like the famous letter from Totò and Peppino if it weren't for the fact that Romeo tells Valentino what he has to say the day after at the inauguration of the judicial year…».

From left: de Magistris, Claudio Cordova, Saverio Di Giorno and Giuliano Di Bernardo yesterday at Ubik in Cosenza for the presentation of the book “Poteri forti” by Luigi de Magistris, published by Fazi
«A power center recognized by the USA»
Di Bernardo, to get to the reasons that led him to leave the Grand Orient of Italy to found a new lodge ( on the Goi website he is listed as "expelled" and his page is blank ) instead starts from figures like Lucky Luciano and Calogero Vizzini who were decisive in the landing of the allies in Sicily "controlled by the mafia and freemasonry. The architect of this project - he says - was Frank Gigliotti , a member of the Oss, the organization that preceded the Cia, at the top of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite as well as a trustee of the New York mafia. The plan of the USA is to enslave Italy to their political creed to face possible attacks from the Soviet Union: and to do this they choose the Goi, which obtains the recognition of the great lodges of North America. The nascent Italy is created in this way: the United States thanks the mafia and freemasonry by placing certain people at the top of the State".
Another key figure in Di Bernardo's story is Giordano Gamberini , who from 1961 "reformed" the Grand Orient of Italy by implementing the wishes of the USA: English recognition and rapprochement with the Church. «The Goi becomes the longa manus for the exercise of American power in Italy, and the center of power that carries out the orders of the American government is the P2, the lodge to which Grand Master Gamberini belongs, who delegates Licio Gelli to represent him first as secretary and then as venerable master».

P2, Calabria and the investigation by Agostino Cordova
Di Bernardo says that Gelli reorganized the lodge because "armed wings" were needed: " If we could see the real list of P2 we would find all the heads of the 'ndrangheta and Cosa Nostra. I have photocopied documents from the Goi archive and I can affirm that P2 is not a deviant lodge, for this reason I invite the grand master of the Goi to abandon his denialism to resolve these problems and emerge from the fog".
The theme of criminal infiltration in Masonic law is closely linked to the investigation by Agostino Cordova . Di Bernardo recounts his experience as follows: "Over thirty years ago, when I was forced to "campaign" to become grand master, I was accompanied in Calabria by the deputy grand master Ettore Loizzo and it was he himself who told me "we are not going here because there is infiltration of the 'ndrangheta..." . At the time I did not give much importance to those phrases and I thought that I would take care of it if I were elected".
Di Bernardo is elected. «I visit the regional constituencies and the number one of Palermo, the lawyer Massimo Maggiore , during the Agape (ritual of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, ed. ) calls me aside and tells me where not to go, for the same reasons: Campobello di Mazara», Matteo Messina Denaro 's last hideout .
In September 1992 Cordova's investigation into Freemasonry and in particular into the Goi begins, «but I – the former grand master says – already in June, from London where I was for the celebration of the 275th anniversary of the foundation of English Freemasonry, was summoned to Vienna by 23 European and American grand masters, who had been informed by embassies and secret services and told me: we are certain that something more negative than P2 is about to take place in the Goi due to criminal infiltration, and this would be damaging for all world Freemasonry . So, when I returned to Rome, I called the council and after reporting that news I heard the answer: it's impossible! Nobody believed me, since then I found myself alone and they started attacking me to force me to resign".

Freemason Lists in the Gagged Computer
Cordova asked Di Bernardo for the list of Calabrian Freemasons, "many were involved in crimes - says the former grand master - and I had no difficulty in providing them to him because in this way he would have done me a favor in eliminating them. But when he asked me for the list of all the Freemasons in Italy I replied that I did not have the authority to do so, I replied "come back with a search and seizure warrant" and so he did: he gagged my computer and put two carabinieri on guard. From the analysis of those lists, connections with the northern regions emerged, and his intuition was precisely that of having prefigured the presence of the 'ndrangheta in the north".
The story continues with a new meeting of the council, the governing body of the Goi, and with Di Bernardo who informs all the Calabrian leaders «looking them in the eye: I asked the most authoritative of them, Ettore Loizzo, to tell me the truth and he confirmed that the majority of the Calabrian lodges are infiltrated by crime . I could even tolerate arms trafficking, but not that! I wanted to remove the impurities but my transparency project failed miserably: I was alone against everyone and I could only leave. And yet everything I said then has come true today. The so-called “democratic freemasonry” is a contradiction in terms, the traditional one – initiatory and esoteric – ended in 1918».
And what happened to the investigation of Agostino Cordova? «It was taken away from him and passed to the Rome Prosecutor's Office, from where they called me and said “we don't have time to look at all those documents in the basement…”. The investigation will be archived».

«Constitution Heartbeat of Italy»
Closing the interesting meeting, de Magistris has an easy time suggesting the parallel between his investigative activity and that of Cordova, due to the end that the two Calabrian investigations had: «In the port of fog» . A final anecdote: «A year and a half ago – the former PM reconstructs – during a hearing of Rinascita Scott, Pittelli, a member of the Goi, attributes the origin of his ills to me, in 2007: I would have invented the existence of mass mafias, then suggesting them to the collaborators. My wrong? A colleague, while I was packing the boxes to leave my office, would have been that of having put myself against the summits of power and colluding lodges: he added that these powers would have followed me forever. Today to describe the “strong powers” ??I do not speak of deviant apparatuses because we are not talking about officials but of summits… everything has been turned upside down and if anything we are the deviants» smiles the former PM. «We live in an apparent democracy but the Constitution can be the beacon against any criminal power: it is not a book but the heartbeat of Italy». ( )