“Ben-Gvir, Smotrich and others are at least clear in what they want [the ethnic cleansing of Gaza]

Pinkas said of the lip service paid to international norms by the Israeli premier:
They don’t trouble themselves with obscure concepts, such as international law, which Netanyahu has to,”

Israeli political analyst Nimrod Flashenberg said of Netanyahu’s recent challenges from his right flank.
“By putting the transfer plan on the table, Trump has pushed Ben-Gvir and Smotrich much closer to Netanyahu,”

He continued, referencing their stated readiness to support the government through at least stage II of the three-phase ceasefire if the endgame is the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.
1. Ben-Gvir has said that this brings him closer to getting back to the government
2. Smotrich said that this declaration makes the preservation of the government more critical