Hamas is testing the limits of the world's patience. Hamas's latest move should serve as a wake-up call.

If this is how it behaves when the world is watching—stalling, posturing, and feigning moral outrage at supposed Israeli violations—then what horrors remain unseen?

The terrorists claim that Israel is not fulfilling its end of the agreement, but it’s Hamas that has already shattered every basic standard of decency by taking civilians hostage in the first place.

This is psychological warfare at its most grotesque.

The group has prided itself on,
1. turning hostage releases into a media spectacle,
2. complete with orchestrated crowds and celebratory fanfare.

When Hamas hands back coffins… will those same crowds gather when the bodies of hostages, starved or tortured to death, are returned?

Will there be certificates of release for the lifeless remains of a Holocaust survivor who survived the Nazis only to perish in Gaza?